The Taste of Solitude

Rey Fahira
2 min readJan 2, 2021
Photo by by Maurizio Strippoli on Flickr

Meeting many people and exchanging ideas is certainly something delightful for the reason that we get a lesson from our meetings with other people. However, what about solitude? Is it something wistful and unpleasant or even something that makes you very peaceful?

Some people are comfortable with being alone, yet, others cannot be by themselves alone―they must be side by side with other people. When these people are faced with being alone, some are lost in it, and some are successful and enjoy being alone. Besides, some people think that if we’re alone, our life looks miserable or is considered as if we don’t have any company.

Well, I beg to differ.

Being alone is not something that saddens or even embarrasses you. Conversely, when you’re alone, you find insights into many aspects of life that you never found before when you’re with other people. You get to know who you’re which has never been exposed before by anyone, even yourself. You can pay more attention to your mental health and well-being. You can further increase your creativity and also productivity. Finally, you can focus more on determining the true purpose of life.

Talking about being solitude, in where I lived, if someone is somewhere alone, it’s something strange for those of them who see. It’s maybe because they are used to being accompanied; therefore, when they see someone alone in a place, they’re confused and a little curious why that person went alone without being accompanied by their friends. I often go to the movies alone without my friends. When I watched the cinema by myself, there were some people who saw me like something unusual aka they were surprised there was a woman watching alone in the cinema without anyone’s company. At first, I was ashamed to go to the movies alone, but as time went by, I started to feel relaxed with being alone and the odd looks of other people seeing me, has become a common thing for me and it was okay.

Some people find it troublesome to be alone when they’re not used to it. However, over time, you will grow more comfortable with being by yourself. Looking at this kind of circumstance, I am still learning the solitary skills until today. Nonetheless, there’re times when I succeed, the impact is incredibly soothing to the heart as well as the soul. I’ve never felt those kinds of tranquility before. Surely, when you’re alone, you’ll get to know yourself better and see things from various points of view, and that will make you grow to be more mature.

