A Letter to My Future Self

Rey Fahira
3 min readDec 29, 2020

Hi, how are you? Are you okay there? How’s life in the future? Fun, stressed, a lot of burdens, or feel more relaxed and peaceful?

Whatever you are doing right now, I want you to know a few things. I am proud of you. I’ve said this to you before, however, I will never stop saying that I am proud of you. You made it through all the ups and downs of a life well and strong. Nevertheless, the best is yet to come, there is still a lot ahead of you that you need to prepare. Get ready.

Do you remember, when you were little, you wanted to be an adult? Nonetheless, when you get older, you want to be a kid again. Adult life just isn’t so subtle, huh? There are many problems, difficulties, drama, crying, loss, abandonment, and many other things that were not expected in your adult life. However, the many things that happened at that time have made you grow into a mature and wise human, and I am proud of you.

You’ve been through a lot. You lost some people, you were abandoned, you were disappointed many times, you were hurt, and you were lied to. Moreover, you fought so many silent battles, wipe your tears, and pat yourself on the back. Yet, you made it through your worst times alone without the help of others. When other people are busy with their lives, you are busy trying to get up and organize your life again as it was before. So proud of how you handled everything in the past very well.

With your new life in the future, I hope you have forgiven everything that happened in the past. I hope you have let go of everything that has burdened you and did not make you happy. I hope you don’t harbor hatred or fines with anyone who disappointed you or hurt you in the past. I hope you can love and put yourself more than others. I hope you can be a rainbow in someone’s storm. I hope you can become a good listener to people who need their voices to be heard. I hope you become someone helpful, and a source of happiness for other people around you. I hope you get a worthwhile lesson from your past. Lastly, I hope you can make yourself happy more than you make other people happy.

Seek what sets your soul on fire. Try many new things around you that you have never tried before. Don’t forget to explore new hobbies and to continue to hone your qualities. This time, you are free to try everything to further explore the environment around you and anything that has made you curious. Also, never get tired of delve into something that gives positive energy to your life and provides extraordinary benefits. Never get tired of always improving yourself to become a much better person.

As for whoever is in your life right now, I hope that they can take care of you well and safely. I don’t want you to feel those kinds of heartache again, so I want you to be in the hands of the right and worthy people. Take care of those who have guarded and accompanied you so far. Take care of those who stay with you no matter how complicated the situations are. Leave those who make you miserable. Leave those who don’t have the same goals as you. This time, you have every right to be delighted and make your own life choices. Therefore, do what’s best for yourself.

Don’t forget to exercise regularly. I know you are lazy enough to make exercising your routine. Yet, now you have to pay more attention to yourself. I want you to be healthy and contented. You don’t need to exercise all the time if you feel like you can’t. You can schedule it like 2–3 times a week. I hope you can be more productive than you were in the past.

Don’t forget to regularly eat fruit or drink the juice. I know you rarely eat fruit or even drink juice. Nevertheless, this time, you must be able to get out of your comfort zone and pay more attention to yourself for a healthier life.

Lastly, I want you to enjoy your life right now. Try to appreciate every moment in your life. Make every moment or experience a lesson for you to become a better person. Live only once, therefore, cherish the moments, experiences, and people in your life. Take good care of yourself, and take care of those who have taken care of you. I love you, and I am proud of you.


Your past self.

